Sodium Antimony's Blog

This is an example of a Makeshift article page, with all

Lagos in sound. Passersby stroll past dozens of clothing stalls, fresh produce stands, and shops with CDs and DVDs in bright paper sleeves strewn along the ground and arranged on crowded wooden walls. This particular shop falls in a line of similar-looking stalls, selling pirated versions of popular American television shows, movies, and, of course, Nollywood films. It has a large selection of local films and a few chatty customers, so I walk in.

Makeshift article page, with all

Lagos in sound. Passersby stroll past dozens of clothing stalls, fresh produce stands, and shops with CDs and DVDs in bright paper sleeves strewn along the ground and arranged on crowded wooden walls. This particular shop falls in a line of similar-looking stalls, selling pirated versions of popular American television shows, movies, and, of course, Nollywood films. It has a large selection of local films and a few chatty customers, so I walk in.

TMarketers and Pirates article page, with all

fresh produce stands, and shops with CDs and DVDs in bright paper sleeves strewn along the ground and arranged on crowded wooden walls. This particular shop falls in a line of similar-looking stalls, selling pirated versions of popular American television shows, movies, and, of course, Nollywood films. It has a large selection of local films and a few chatty customers, so I walk in.